How to buy a used bicycle

3 min readSep 21, 2021


For those making a beeline for the Brooklyn Bike Jumble, New York City’s first outside bike swap meet at JJ Byrne Park on Sunday — or on the other hand in case you’re simply on the lookout for a used Balance bike Guide here’s a speedy tip sheet on how not to end up with a clunker.

Sort out what you need and the amount you need to spend.

For a good utilized mixture hope to spend up to $225-$250, a rough terrain/trail blazing bicycle will cost $200-$250 and street bicycles go for $300 or more. On the off chance that the bicycle needs a ton of fix or support, the expense might offset the advantage of purchasing a pre-owned bicycle out and out since nowadays you can get an exceptionally good new bicycle from a bicycle look for $300-$400.

In case it’s dirty, corroded, if the chain squeaks, the wheels clatter, and so on it implies the bicycle probably hasn’t been kept up with and you’ll need to pay a significant sum extra to have it adjusted. An essential tune-up at a Brooklyn bike shop without additional parts (change brakes, gears, genuine the wheels, oil the chain) will run about $55 to 60. In the event that additional parts are required (links, brake shoes, shifters, and so forth) the cost will be higher.

Ensure the bicycle is the right size for you.

In the event that the seat tallness must be right to the top or the lower part of the length of the seaport for you to be agreeable or on the other hand if after the seat is changed you feel too loosened up or too scrunched up, the casing is either excessively enormous or excessively little and you’d squander your cash.

Ensure the bicycle is perfect and ready to rock ‘n roll.

Ensure everything works (brakes, gears, links not frayed, and so on), that the wheels are valid, tires have a lot of track, and that the bicycle hasn’t been in a genuine accident. You can frequently tell there’s been a front-end crash if the two cylinders associated with the front of the bicycle (top cylinder and down tube) have broken paint on their undersides. That implies the edge has been twisted. Try not to BUY THIS BIKE EVEN FOR $5. For derailleur bicycles, if the edge is twisted, best case scenario, the bicycle most likely will not move well, to say the least, it will deal with ineffectively and will be perilous to ride. On the off chance that the edge is seriously harmed, it may even come up short and break. In the event that that occurs while you’re riding, you can be genuinely harmed.

Purchase from a trustworthy dealer.

Reuse a-Bicycle in DUMBO offers a 30-day ensure on bicycles and fixes. All pre-owned bicycle dealers should offer an assurance. The bicycle ought to be sensibly spotless, chain oiled, there ought to be no clatters, the brakes and pinion wheels ought to be changed and work appropriately. In the event that it doesn’t look right, something is most likely off-base and you ought to bring it back.




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